Click the icons to see what you can do to enhance your 1. Household Preparedness 2. Community Preparedness 3. Household Essential Service Resilience and
4. Community Essential Service Resilience
Infrastructure that provides services we need to sustain our everyday lives is known as critical. This includes those that supply clean drinking water, electricity, food, transport and keep the country connected to the internet.
These systems are incredibly useful for very obvious reasons, and have become so integral to the way the world works that for many, they are an assumption of reality that are and always will be there. The things we do from day to day are so dependent on their continual functioning that they are expected without question.
However, these vast systems that populate and enable our everyday lives are not designed for disruptive future change. The present is a hyper-connected, interdependent, and uncertain environment, full of complex, emergent risks that evolve at an accelerating pace, have greater impacts, operate across larger scales, and don't happen in isolation but trigger, amplify and compound one another.
This is a problem because the 13 critical infrastructures in the UK are all interconnected and interdependent.
Imagine a scenario where there is significant disruption to energy infrastructure, be it a malicious cyber-attack, extreme space weather, supply chain disruptions of essential materials, severe climate events, etc. Because all other infrastructures need energy to function, the disruption is not contained but spills out and cascades across all 13. What starts as something small quickly becomes big.
The likelihood of these significant disruptions are increasing, and the government's effort to ensure public preparedness and resilience has done little. Disruption is coming, and the general population are largely unaware of what it could be, and how they can adapt.
In terms of perception, this means that they have also become invisible. Why should I be thinking about the network of metal and rubber that enables me to do something, when really all I care about is it doing the thing? They have faded into the background, remain out of sight, and are part of the enduring environment.
In this, there is also an unconscious assumption that they will continue to operate effectively and safely.
It's time to take this into your own hands, because while the future implications of these risks cannot be predicted, they be anticipated under uncertainty and prepared for.
Click on these icons to :
a) see what you can do to prepare for disruptions to your WATER, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, ENERGY, FOOD SUPPLY.
b) understand how to enhance your PSYCHOLOGICAL RESILIENCE to future disruptive change.