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Disruptive change is coming

Critical infrastructures provide the services and systems we can't live without.


We depend on them to reliably and affordably supply clean water, electricity, food, transport, access to the internet and financial services. These things are so important to our everyday lives that we usually don't even think about them. 

We rely on them so much, they fade into the background and become invisible - we often don't notice they're there until they stop working. We also take for granted that they'll always be safe and keep going without any problems.

But there is already a problem, and quite a serious one. These vast systems that enable our everyday lives aren't ready for disruptive future change. Our world is changing fast, creating an uncertain environment where complex, emergent risks evolve at an accelerating pace, have greater impacts, operate across larger scales, and don't happen in isolation, but trigger, amplify, compound and escalate one another.


Everything is interconnected and much of it is interdependent, meaning that a problem in one area (like energy) can quickly lead to problems in others. This means that future crises will have far-reaching consequences and are likely to happen more frequently and more severely. However, little information has been presented to the general public on what to be aware of and how to deal with it.

This needs to change, and as a society we must be more resilient to disruptive future risks. The implications of these cannot be predicted, though they can be anticipated under uncertainty and prepared for.

How can you prepare for disruptions to your essential services?





How can you build your personal strength and resilience?

Learn about resilience

Understand risk

Anticipate the future

How can you prepare your household and community?

Household preparedness

Community preparedness

change is coming

How can you prepare for disruptions to your essential services?


Secure your water supply. Have a plan for storing and purifying water in case of service disruption.

Power outage

Keep the lights on. Know what emergency generators, batteries, and alternative light sources you should have on hand.


Be ready with essentials. Stock up on non-perishable food items and basic supplies to sustain you through disruption.

Stay connected when it matters most. Ensure you have ways to receive updates and communicate during emergencies.

How can you build your personal strength and resilience?

Learn about resilience

Understand what it means to be resilient, & enhance your ability to withstand, bounce back and grow stronger from disruption.


Make sense of modern risks, how they behave, and be aware of the different ways they can impact your life.

Anticipate the

Navigate future  uncertainty through foresight, anticipation and preparedness.

How can you prepare your household and community?

Foster community readiness by building a network to share information and support one another in times of crisis.


Household preparedness

Equip your home with essentials and knowledge to stay safe and self-sufficient during disruptive events.

Equip your home with essentials and knowledge to stay safe and self-sufficient during disruptive events.

minimax 2024

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