Ensuring you have a reliable supply of clean water is crucial in emergency situations.
Disruptions to water supply can occur for various reasons, including power outages, infrastructure failures, or contamination events. Being prepared can significantly ease the challenges posed by these situations.
Essential tools and backups
To ensure you have access to clean water during an emergency, consider getting together some essential tools and backups :
Bottled water : 2 litres per person per day (aim for a minimum 3-day supply, totalling 24 litres).
Large water containers : For 1 to 2 buckets per person per day (aim for a minimum 3-day supply, totalling 24-48 litres).
Lidded containers or canisters : For collecting water (at least 2-4).
Portable water carriers : For transporting water (at least 2-4).
Rubbish bags : For emergency toilet use (at least 1 pack).
Disinfectants : For cleaning contaminated surfaces and containers (1-2 bottles).
Water purification tablets or drops : For cleaning contaminated surfaces and containers (1 bottle - enough for at least 100 litres of water).
Boiling equipment : At least 1 pot / kettle and a reliable heat or energy source.
Portable water filters : At least 1-2 - ensure they have the capacity to purify for your entire household.
Waterproof markers and tape : For labelling contaminated taps (at least 1 of each).
Access to local water utility websites / contacts : To check updates on status of the water supply (ensure you have a list of essential contacts and websites bookmarked.
Community water distributions plans : To familiarise yourself with and understand locations and procedures that may come into action.
Water testing kits : To check the water is safe to drink (at least 1-2 kits).
Collecting and storing water
// Ensuring you have a sufficient water reserve for emergencies starts with effective storage strategies.
It's advisable to have a stockpile of water for emergencies. Keeping a few litres of bottled water per person can make a significant difference.
The average person requires around two litres of clean drinking water daily, not counting additional needs for cooking and hygiene. Aiming for a supply of one to two buckets of water per person per day covers most basic needs.
// Adapting to water outages requires innovative collection and storage solutions.
Prepare by having lidded containers or canisters ready. These can be invaluable for collecting water from emergency distribution points or natural sources if the need arises. Consider how you or others might transport water, especially for those who may need assistance.
Outages and disruptions
Understanding how to manage during water outages and ensuring your household remains safe and hydrated is essential.
// Dealing with outages
If there’s no water : Use your prepared containers to collect water. Remember, toilets will have limited flush capability, so consider lining the bowl with a garbage bag for hygiene, treating it as mixed waste afterwards.
If the water is contaminated : Prevent accidental consumption by marking taps with warning notices. Adhere to advisories from your water utility, including boil notices or instructions during shock chlorination processes. Once the supply is deemed safe again, cleanse any appliances or containers that might have been in contact with contaminated water.
// About water distribution and disruptions
Planned Outages : These might affect only your home or building. Stay informed through your property management or local utility provider.
Emergency Situations : For local disruptions, the utility's website is a crucial resource for up-to-date information. These disruptions can also impact wastewater treatment, so follow any guidance from utilities and local authorities closely.
// General tips for water supply preparedness
Stay Informed : Keep track of local utility announcements and updates for the most accurate information on your water supply.
Water Treatment : Know how to purify water, using methods like boiling, chemical disinfection, or filtration, in case your stored supply runs low or you need to use a natural source.
Community Resources : Be aware of community plans for water distribution during extended outages. Knowing the location of these points ahead of time can save precious time in an emergency.